JÄJÉ - Belief & Alignment
"You are intelligent, possessing an never-ending abundance of brilliance and talent, so trust your gut!"
JÄJÉ - Belief & Alignment
DESS - Just Do It!
ALICIA AULD - Hey Sis! Let's Talk!
ZAAHIRA JOSEPH - If You Can Think It, You Can Be It.
ALLIZAE - A Lady With A Body & A Brain
SHARI SUTHERLAND - Loyalty & Humility
CHYNEE KAY - Girl, Do It! Just Do It!
FEDANA - Want Me First
PAULINA O'KIEFFE-ANTHONY - I'll never ever give it up again
SUNRAAE - I Got To Talk It Out
FALESHA RAQUEL - Real Estate Broker & Home Builder
OLD - The 1st of the introspective
A Look At Me
AMOYA RÉE - My Life Is My Inspiration
GABRIELLE - Succeeding Through Social Anxiety